Registration Closed!           Registration Date Extended till 22th October 2023           Department of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare (DA&FW) Kritagya Hackathon on "Digital Crop Survey" Announced on 11th September 2023           Registration starts from 15th September 2023 till 10th October 2023              

Hackathon Registered Teams


About Kritagya

Estimating crop area and yield accurately has traditionally been a labor-intensive and time-consuming process. As we strive for more sustainable and efficient farming practices, there's a growing need to leverage cutting-edge technologies such as remote sensing, machine learning, and data analytics to transform how we collect, analyze, and utilize agricultural data. This hackathon invites participants to create novel approaches, applications, and algorithms that address the complexities of crop area and yield estimation, considering diverse factors such as crop types, environmental variations, and data accuracy. Theme of the hackathon is “Crop Area & Yield Estimation”.




 Creating an Effective Crop Assessment Tool Using Geospatial Technology
 AI-ML Decision System for Efficient Farming using Crop Survey Data
 Predictive Analytics for Future Crop Yields from Survey Data
 Automated Crop Identification System for Accurate Field Analysis
 Robust Data System for Digital Crop Surveys in Low-Tech Farming
 Innovative Drone Tech for Advanced Digital Crop Survey
 5G Enabled Automated Drone Equipped with Multispectral Camera and others Sensors for Crop Surveying, Pest Detection, Topographical Mapping, Drought Assessment & Harvesting Support
 5G Enabled AI Powered Wireless Camera Monitoring Crops/Insects/Pests : Insect recognition, Fruit detection, Anamaly detection during phenophases, actionable insights
 5G Enabled Drone with higher payload capability for Precision spraying (post to the survey/during survey)



  • All screening of the concept entries will be done at initial stage, followed by zonal level evaluation of screened ideas through technical presentation
  • From each zone, 3 winners will be selected for the national round
  • Zonal level winners will get mentorship support from the domain experts to better prepare for the National round
  • Winners from the zone level event, will be felicitated with Appreciation certificates


  • The zonal level winners under this round will make technical presentation before the national level committee and 3 winners will be selected as National Level winners
  • Winners from the national level event, will be felicitated with cash prize and citations with participation certificate

You Can Win

1st Prize

INR 5,00,000

2nd Prize

INR 3,00,000

3rd Prize

INR 1,00,000

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Get In Touch


Department of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare
Ministry of Agriculture, New Delhi-110 001,INDIA


Registered Users : 181

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